Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Life in red

Life in Red

The light turned red in disdain
The costly cars screeched to a halt
As if to breath regain
While the music beat hard.

Then he came, tapping on the windows
The contorted face exhibiting myriad sorrows
The frail hand waving the Tricolour
The sign of national pride and valour.

The cheeks covered by cakes of soot
Homing all the roads’ dust and the dirt
Punctuated by streams of dried up tears
A ‘museum of mortal fears’.

Limping on feet naked
The festering wound
Clothes in desperate tatter
Victim of attack of terror?

More than the people who caused them this
Are those who stare blankly and pass.

Green, the traffic light turned
Away the ‘terrorists’ in hurrying cars sped
Leaving the Life on the road
Permanently in red.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sea & Mind

Sea and the Mind

So tranquil, deep and inviting.
Only till it rises.
So calm, gentle and stable.
Only till aroused.
Can one stop the rise of the tide
Or the arousal of the mind?
May be
May be not.

The seas swelled and soared.
In rhythmic heaves
Of relentless waves.
For generation of electricity were they used!

The mind got aroused.
In love and anger
Laughter and compassion
Poetry and fine arts resulted!

The sea and the mind 'belong' to none
Or more truly, belong to the One.
Don't try to control (we fail)
Better to understand and channel.

16th Jan 2007