Friday, March 30, 2007

The perception of beauty

The perception of beauty

At the window, I stood transfixed

Stuck staring in wonder unmixed

With unabashed admiration

At the object of divine creation.

The stunning Rose flower.

So strong and yet so delicate

The curves of the petals an artistic delight

So bold yet so demure, oh what a sight!

Draped in hues that only God can create!!

As if possessed I slipped out

Closer to the flower I hovered about.

Driven by the mortal body's desire

To internalise, to possess, to acquire.

With trembling hands I reached,

Forgot all that I have preached,

To pluck the delectable rose

That stood in the most endearing pose.

The Rose spoke out aloud

In voice as musical as it looked

'Why separate me from my root

Just because I look so cute?'

A flash of lightning came striking

Lifting my stupor shaking

I kneeled down in shame

At my own intentions so lame.

I promised the flower so bright

'I will tend you right

So you can spread more light

A cause of cosmic delight.'


29th March 2007

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The fall

The fall

Divinity attributed
Glorious character assigned
Halo seen all around
Shine of charisma abound.

Idols on the palanquin paraded.
An impressive procession followed.
A Billion people gathered and cheered
In shrill voice, while many others silently prayed.

The procession went on for years
Testing the strength of the palanquin bearers
At a simple bend alas,
The balance is lost on to the grass.

Came crashing down the idols in a thud
Their costly embellishments vanished
With the fall they cracked and chipped
After all, in stone they were crafted!

Divinity disappeared
And mortality gained;
Chinks seen
In the images of stone.

An Idol is just a stone;
The glossy sheen, the glowing halo
Only a mirage in the desert -
Of unfulfilled human expectation.

24th March 2007
(refers to the fall of Indian cricket)

To rise or not

I looked at the god and said:
“I have risen post haste
Vaporised by intense heat
Driven by desire dominant
Reach your abode and with you to unite.”

The heavens thundered in answer:
“I rush down the dizzying heights
In torrential flow down the steep slopes.
What can the stone barriers do,
When I decide to be with you, in you and around you?”

To rise or not?
Where does the twain meet?

21st march 2007


The rain came pouring down,
Accompanied by the thunder,
The parched fields were soaked,
The seeds smiled under.
They sprouted and shot,
Out of the earth to bloom,
A few frogs croaked,
The heavens had come home.
The sun scorched bright once more,
The water turned to air again,
It reached the clouds that had,
Emptied themselves with thunderous pain!
The clouds wondered why,
It, these vapors always sought,
Should it keep making the effort,
To fall on earth or not!
The heaven's said,
The water comes back to you whole,
But through their journey to the earth,
Many a lives are lived in them,
So let it rise and let it fall!
The poem reflects the classical quandary of the ‘spirit’ and ‘source’ dualism. The poem is talking about the yearning of the spirit (atma) to unite with the source (paramatma) and is wondering where and when does the union come about. The union HAS to come and WILL come; and only them would the creation continue.

In the 1st stanza, the spirit is saying that it had enough of the body and wants to rise up to meet the ‘source’. In the 2nd stanza, the ‘source’ tells the ‘spirit’ that HE is there everywhere and in fact, showering himself all the time at the beings on the earth. HE exhorts the ‘spirit’ to realise the presence within oneself, rather than leaving the body to meet HIM.

Both have to unite. But ‘where’ is the question.
United or Separated?

Spirit and the Source have to unite,
Solemnly said the sage wise.
But 'where' is the question.
Does the source come down,
Or the spirit has to rise!

The source laughed,
At the innocence of the query,
Why do we need to unite,
When never were we separate,
Where you end and I begin,
Can you ever differentiate?

You are me and I am you,
You don't end where I live,
And I don't end when you are born,
Difference is only what you believe.

Unite, did you say?
When did we ever separate?

Monday, March 05, 2007

The play of colours

The play of colours

The tumultuous ascent of the colours seven
Or the graceful descent from heaven within?

Delightful radiance
Of the delectable countenance.
Enhancing the sublime golden glow
Was the twinkle in the eyes in tow.

See the shine of the green colour sheen -
Captured the best that the spring could have shown,
On the adorable face it adorned:
Impeccably honest and irrepressibly demure.

The white stood captivated in pure bliss;
Not a bit as charming as the exhibited colours
But noted in contentment, “From me they emerge
And in me, they merge”.

4th March 2007